A close watch is being kept on Poas Volcano. Immediately after the quake, there was an increase in fumarole activity which has since subsided. There was some structural damage to the walls of the principle crater as well. However, at this time the national geological institute OVSICORI is reporting that the volcano shows no signs of increased activity. They will, of course, continue to be very watchful.
The quake occurred on a local fault called the Rio Sarapiqui Fault. This fault is part of the surface evidence of the location where the Caribbean and the Cocos Tectonic Plates converge many miles underground.
Several folks have contacted us thinking that our ministry location was affected by the quake because they have heard the name Cartago mentioned in news reports. We minister in the city of Cartago. One of the mountain villages severely damaged is called Los Cartagos.I am including photos with this post. I did not take them myself but rather got them from the Costa Rican news agencies websites.
Your continued prayers are much appreciated.

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