Monday, July 7, 2008

Roofing the Church

Recently, Samuel and one of the men from the church, Bro. Gerardo, did some repairs to the roof of the church. With donations received quite some time ago, we were able to purchase 13 sheets of metal roofing.

The mission van loaded with the metal roofing.

Samuel and Bro. Gerardo unloading the roofing.

Samuel getting the ladder set up.

Samuel and Bro. Gerardo working on the roof.

The old roofing is nearly rusted away.

Samuel inspecting the work done and counting how many more sheets are needed.

As you can see, there are still alot of roofing (rusted through) that needs replacing, but we are off to a good start. We still need some 75 sheets of roofing to complete the job. The sheets are approximately $20 each at the present rate of exchange. If anyone would like to donate a sheet of roofing just let us know at this email address:

Blessings to you all.

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