Nolasco Newsletter
Apdo. 129-2350
San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America
olascoincostarica@hotmail.comOct. 13, 2008
Dear Friends in Christ,
Greetings in the name of our wonderful Lord and King. We trust that this finds each of you well and enjoying God’s richest blessings.
God has certainly been blessing our labors since the last newsletter in July. The church in Ochomogo is doing well. We are seeing new faces every week in the services. We have seen five souls saved to the glory of God and three others who were seeking a church home have come forward for membership. There are also seven people awaiting baptism which is scheduled for the second Sunday in December. In Pitahaya, where the congregation has remained small, the church has been working on a building project for many months now. Quite some time ago we asked for funds so that the interior walls could be completed and one of our supporting churches generously sent funds. In order to make those funds be as useful as possible, they were spent only on the materials. The labor has been an act of love over these many months, but is now nearly complete. We hope to have photos of the finished project up on our blog soon.
The romaria (pilgrimage) in August drew over one million pilgrims who made the journey to Cartago to pay homage to a small black statue they call La Negrita. During that time we handed out over 4000 gospel tracts and gave away 52 Bibles to those in the crowds. As commanded, we have sown Precious Seed and know the labor will not be in vain.
During the month of September we celebrated the International Day of the Child. We had a special service on a Saturday for children in the church and community of Ochomogo. We fed some 60 children a nice lunch and presented an animated film about Daniel in the Lion’s Den. The following day, Sunday, a group of teens presented a drama about not laying up treasures in this life during the morning church service.
Christmas is rapidly approaching. This year we hope to be able to provide gifts for some 30 children whom we know personally and know the situations in which they are living. Within the next few days we will be posting photos of the children on our blog, We are praying that we will be able to raise $20 per child. Gifts will consist of clothing, school supplies, and personal items such as shampoo, toothbrushes, etc. If you feel lead to sponsor one (or more) of these children it would be a great blessing in their lives. If you wish to help in this please contact us at our email address for information, or you can send designated funds to our home church. (Maranatha Baptist Church; 1111 Outer West Broadway; Madisonville, KY 42431).
God has been gracious in providing for my medical procedures. To date I have received $15,600, and am so grateful to each and everyone of you that have help meet this need. However, I still need $8690 to complete paying for the procedures. The procedures have been completed and must be paid off in November. I humbly ask that you would continue to pray for this need and help as you feel lead to do so.
A brief update on our scattered family: Yeni continues to study and work in San Diego. Eden, husband Steve and daughter Lyvi are presently stationed at Goodfellow AFB in San Angelo, TX. In December they will head to Fort Gordon in Georgia. Lydia and husband Eric remain in Tampa where Eric is stationed at MacDill AFB. He may go on deployment next year. Becca is in San Diego where on September 6th she gave birth to our grandson, Kaiden Allen Osborne (8lbs.3 oz.;21 ½ in. long). She had to have a C-section, but is doing well. Her husband Mike (abroad the USS Peleliu) will be returning from deployment on November 4th. Eli is also in San Diego where he is studying Web Design and Computer Graphics as well as seeking a part time job. As always, we greatly appreciate your prayers for us and for our family.
I would like to close this newsletter with two special requests. The first is that you would pray about our upcoming furlough in 2009. We hope to come to the USA in late February. That, however, is depended on the Lord blessing us with someone to rent our house while we are gone. The second request concerns our ministry site on the internet. Please visit at where you can see photos and more about the ministry here in Costa Rica.
Looking forward to seeing you in 2009.
In Christ,
Samuel Nolasco